Gitflow Lab

This lab will walk you through our workflow, from creating branches through merging a pull request.

Here is the project we will be using

Part One

1. Checkout a new branch

IMPORTANT: For this code lab, you will base your branch off of something other than master. This is to force a merge conflict later in the lab. 99.9% of the time you are developing real code from the robot, you would start off of master

Base the branch off of origin/codelab_start, and name it something like <your name>_codelab_part1

2. Create a new Subsystem

Create it with the name “<your name>Codelab<year>Part1”, ex. PJCodelab2020Part1

3. Put a print line in the constructor

Something along the line of System.out.println("<name> says hello world in <year> part 1");

4. Create your command

In RobotContainer, declare your subsystem.

5. Run SnobotSim

Run it from the run configurations area, and make sure your string gets printed out

6. Commit, Push, Create PR

You will notice that the you cannot merge your branch, because there is a conflict

7. Fix conflict, re-push

After the push, add PJ or Joe as a reviewer, and ping them in Slack to review and approve the PR

Part Two

Part two is meant to make sure you run the cleanup process correctly, and can create your next feature branch.

Re-run steps 1-6, but replace any references to “part1” with “part2”