Style Guide

Our styleguide is enforced by a Checkstyle configuration file. This ensures that we all follow the same conventions for variable names, class names, spacing, brace location, and many other things.

While the styleguide enforces many more rules than outlined below, these are some of the major ones to be aware of.

Class Names

Class names should be UpperCamelCase, i.e. ShooterSubsystem

Function Names

Function names should be lowerCamelCase, i.e. void setSpeedAndSteer(double speed, double steer)

Variable Names

  • Member variables (variables that belong to a class) should start with the m_ prefix, then be lowerCamelCase after that, i.e. TalonSRX m_leftDriveMotor
  • Local variables and function arguments should be lowerCamelCase
  • Constants should be be static final, and be named UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, i.e. public static final double DEFAULT_SHOOTER_RPM = 5000;

Braces and Spacing

  • All keywords (i.e if, switch, for, etc) and math operands (+, -, <, etc) should be separated by a space

    if (x > 5) // Good
    if(x>5) // Bad!
  • Indentation should be done with 4 spaces. Never 2, never with Tabs

  • We use K&R Braces, meaning that all opening braces start on the same line.

    String myGoodFunction(int x) {
        if (x > 5) {
            return "Greater Than 5"
        else if (x == 5) {
            return "Equals 5";
        else {
            return "Less than 5";
    String badFunctionButPJLikesItMore(int x)
        if (x > 5)
            return "Greater Than 5"
        else if (x == 5)
            return "Equals 5";
            return "Less than 5";