Intellij Setup

Intellij is an IDE specifically built for writing Java software. Because it is a first class Java editor, it offers much better support than the versions of VS Code that WPI provides us.

Installing Intellij

The easiest way to install and update Intellij is by download Jet Brains Toolbox application. This will alert you whenever there is a new version, and allows you to easily download their other IDEs if you ever want to dabble in Python or Web Development

Once Toolbox has been installed, open it and select the “Intellij Community Edition”, and run the installer

Installing Plugins

To get the best experience out of Intellij, we need to install some additional plugins.

To install a plugin, go to “File -> Settings -> Plugins”. Select the “Marketplace” for the following plugins, and install them. Once they are all done, you will need to restart Intellij

  • FRC
  • Checkstyle-IDEA


FRC Plugin

The Intellij FRC plugin is an open source project to provide a lot of helpful features for us when we are developing software for FRC robots. It eases the creation of Subsystems and Commands by filling in a lot of the boiler plate code for use.

Adding a Subsystem

Right click on the package where you want to put the subsystem (almost certainly frc.robot.subsystems), and click “New -> FRC -> Subsystem”

The subsystem it creates is very sparse. At the very least, you will probably want to add a periodic function


Adding a Command

Right click on the package where you want to put the command, and click “New -> FRC -> Command”. You will be given the option to select what subsystems this command requires to save you some typing.
