Software Installers Kept on USB Drives

Required Installers

Name Version Mac? Win? URL
CTRE Phoenix Framework 5.21.1 no Y CTRE Phoenix Framework
CTRE Talon SRX Firmware 22.0 n/a n/a Installed by the Phoenix package above to
C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\FRC\
FRC Radio Config Util 22.0.1 no Y Installer ZIP file
npcap Library 1.60 no Y Install after the above Download
GIT-SCM no Y GIT-SCM Downloads
GRIP 1.5.2 Y Y GRIP releases
Limelight Image Tool 2022.1 Y no Limelight Etcher Flash Tool, USB Flash Driver & Image
NI FRC Update Suite 2022 f1 no Y NI Download Site (Use the Individual Offline Installers link)
REV Hardware Client 1.4.2 no Y Getting Started with the REV Hardware Client
WPILib 2022.3.1 Y Y WPILib Releases

Helpful Commands

The rsync command is a fast way copy files, skipping any files that are already up to date at the destination. This command will update a USB drive mounted on /Volumes/FRC from an updated folder at ~/Desktop/FRC:

rsync --itemize-changes --recursive --delete --times --omit-dir-times --modify-window=1 --specials --links --exclude=.DS_Store --exclude=._.DS_Store --exclude=/.Spotlight-V100 --exclude=.fseventsd --exclude='/System Volume Information' --exclude=.Trashes --exclude=.TemporaryItems ~/Desktop/FRC/ /Volumes/FRC